
A Band A Day For March!

This month we’ve announced new agents and bands pretty much every day! In the booking game it’s important that agents have a manageable roster. Equally, it’s important to be confident we can add value to the acts we work with. But we’re still looking for new agents to join us, and as they do, we still have room for new acts to approach us.

Over the last two months our Agent Freelancer Project has moved into a new chapter. It’s been insane, but at the same time it’s been very positive. Getting up for work has taken on new meaning. At the same time, the rapid roll-out of the vaccine has led to a sharp spike in brand-new show bookings.

I mean it’s still shit
But it’s a helluva lot less shit than it was!

As you may know – we spent a lot of time last year raising money for our “Lockdown Fund”. The idea being to create cash grants to bring in freelance booking agents.

At the end of January we interviewed and took on four new agents. Two agents arrived with rosters and two are experienced in other areas of the music industry. Covid had hit them hard.

But now instead of focussing our attention on planning, it’s been all about doing…

  • We’ve implemented staff training
  • We’ve signed new artists
  • We’ve posted out Crowdfunder rewards (The snoods have just arrived!)
  • We’ve had festival programmers give presentations. (Thanks Boomtown and Black Deer this Friday!)
  • Attended virtual conferences
  • And we’ve even managed two virtual pub quizzes along the way!

Even better, since February 1st the new agents have confirmed 28 new shows between them! Our booking software Overture, tells us we’ve booked or rescheduled 358 shows altogether during the same period. Lots of those are reschedules – but lots are new bookings – so that is exciting too.

I mean it’s still shit
There’s still no shows
There’s still no money coming in
But the contract book looks healthy…
And it’s a helluva lot less shit than it was!

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