
Agent Story – Rich Q

Rich first reached out to Midnight Mango to try and secure his own band an agent, before realising he might quite like to be one!

What brought you to Midnight Mango?

I first came across Midnight Mango when looking for an agency to represent my own band, Man The Lifeboats. I was a fan of nearly everyone on the roster! Then after a few years of writing to the MM team, my career path changed and instead of asking for a booking agent I thought I might enjoy working as one instead. Then what appealed to me was the openness and transparency – and the desire to take on and develop new agent freelancers, there’s a well-structured plan in place and training and development is great. I felt part of the team immediately. I knew I’d love booking shows and tours for artists as I loved doing it so much for my own band, and the team at Midnight Mango have given me the knowledge, expertise and confidence to take it to the next level.

What kind of bands do you like to work with?

Artists who play music that I love, simple! But also artists who are driven, open and honest, and who think strategically and creatively about their live shows.

 What advice would you give someone considering joining the Midnight Mango team?

I think the most important thing is to get out there and go to shows, festivals and conferences, meet the people you’re working with and for and alongside, experience the gigs you book first-hand, this will give you a much better idea of booking and how to do it well and get it right. Admittedly for me, with a young family this has been one thing I haven’t been able to do enough of lately, but now the little one is old enough to bring along, she’s a veteran festival goer at age 3…

Who would you love to have on your roster?

Manu Chao! I’d book his dentist appointments if he asked me 🙂 Other than that, I think Frank Turner would be pretty exciting to book for. And CVC – they are a phenomenal live band, and theirs is the best album I’ve heard in the last few years.

First festival you went to?

Either V Festival with Muse headlining or Madstock, sadly (gladly!) no photo memories to look back on, but I’m pretty sure I had a great time!

Best festival you’ve been to?

Tough one but WOMAD this year was just incredible. It was like everything good and joyful and inspiring and positive about the world had been condensed into a few fields in Wiltshire. And the sun shone down all weekend!

From an artist point of view I think Purbeck Valley Folk Festival was the best show I’ve played, and it’s such an amazing place, with a great crowd and a wonderful team of people.

And then there’s a beautiful little festival in north Norfolk called Deepdale… 😉

First gig you went to?

I used to go to loads of teenage pub and barn gigs but the first gig with a bunch of mates was Black Grape at The Academy in Manchester, probably 1995. Lost in the crush, dancing around like Bez for a few hours, slept in Piccadilly station. Good times.

Best gig you’ve been to (so far)

Impossible to answer! Can I have a top 10? Bob Dylan / The Pogues / Carter USM all at Brixton Academy, Springsteen at Crystal Palace, Richard Thompson at Leeds Irish Centre, Bellowhead at The Water Rats, Frank Turner’s 1st Lost Evenings, Le Vent Du Nord at Kings Place, Manu Chao at The Coronet. Actually – the top one is probably Skinny Lister and Holy Moly & the Crackers at The Garage, 2016 – that was the show that kicked my own band into being, so it will always be the most special.

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