
#LetTheMusicPlay Part 2

Midnight Mango Team - Let The Music Play - Part 2

Earlier in July you may have seen then #LetTheMusicPlay campaign, which highlighted to the government that the live music industry is in serious trouble. The campaign helped influence the Culture package that was announced just days later.

However, the live music industry goes much further than just venues, festivals and artists. We need the Government to realise the true size and scale of the jobs and companies that make up the complex ecosystem that supports live music.

Everyone has their part to play in putting on a successful event, booking agents, promoters, artist managers, tour manages, productions managers, stage managers, ticket sellers, stage crews, artist liaison, sound engineers, lighting techs, runners, door people, security, box office staff, the list goes on.

Many of these jobs are at serious risk. It goes without saying: No shows, no income.

The Midnight Mango team are a wonderful team – we have all been doing what we can with shows and are all itching to get back to doing what we do best. We are all positive that the live music industry can and will pull through this but the whole music ecosystem needs a helping hand. That is why we are calling upon the Government to help.

Let The Music Play - Part 2

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