
Show Deals – An Overview

Percentage balloons

What it says on the tin! In this post we go through the five most common types of deals that music booking agents strike with promoters. Agents need to know when to use each type of deal and understand what they mean for their artists’ income.

The Contract Particulars

Precision watch

The contract particulars are different for each show. They define the main points of the contract which apply to a specific performance in a specific place. They may seem self-explanatory, but that is not always the case; here we consider each in turn.

Our Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Contract Clause… and Pontins…


In this blog post I address the impact of The Equality Act (2010) on our touring business and how we as agents need to protect our artists and their audiences from discrimination.

Lockdown Songs

Lockdown Songs

International booking agency Midnight Mango announces its first album release LOCKDOWN SONGS. The highly collectable new album will be used to raise money to help booking agents back to work.

How can we help to help ourselves?

As a booking agency in the music industry, It’s pretty tough to take on new staff at the moment. But it isn’t impossible. Different models of employment can provide help and support whilst at the same time invest in a company’s future growth.

Agent Freelancer Platform

The Agent Freelancer Platform is designed to help experienced agents who have found their work disrupted by the Coronavirus Pandemic. We are looking for agents who want an agency that provides the backroom services and support they need to get on with representing their roster of artists.

Think small and make something happen!

Girl with magnifying glass

People who work in music are creative and they need to do creative things to keep it together. So be creative, make events happen, not just for the money – but for well-being as well.

What happened to my job at the agency?

Time Bomb

Booking agents may have thought their jobs were safe until the end of the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme – yet many agencies are making redundancies now in August 2020. Why is it they can’t foot the bill now and keep all their staff employed until the scheme ends?

You Really Had To Be There!

Should live-streamed gigs be recorded and made available afterwards? In this blog, I touch on the importance of how a unique experience in time is more valuable to the audience and the artist if it is kept in the moment.

Let’s Get This Show On The Road

Wille and the Bandits - Credit Yann Charles

In today’s blog, I briefly describe three real-life ticketed virtual events that we have going on at Midnight Mango. Each one follows a different model. Each one is viable and will make an income for the artist, promoter, venue and agent.

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