Work Smarter Do Less
Are you tired of running to keep up? Perhaps you need more time for travel, family and interests, or perhaps you just want to get some of that time back!
If that’s you, then our Agent Freelancer Platform could be exactly what you’ve been looking for.
Our agents work hard, but there’s no start or finish time, you just check in when you want to start and check out when you’re done.
Our services mean that you’ll get a load of time back. It’s up to you if you use that time to book more shows, or go and do something else.
“With Midnight Mango my reach is greater, and my protection is better.” Andy (Agent)
Oh, and there’s no office, everyone works online – so it doesn’t matter where you work, you could be on the road, in another country or on top of a mountain – as long as you have an internet connection – you’re good to go.
But don’t say you’ll work on holiday – Holiday is for holiday, right!